Become a sustaining Member
Why become a member of K-BACH:
- You’re investing in the future of public radio and ensuring the classical music continues.
- Your’re identifying yourself as a public radio listener.
- You’re joining like-minded listeners who truly value classical music.
- We listen to your ideas and suggestions. Really.
- You’re making our community better one classical music selection at a time.

Have your address automatically entered when you click here to login to your E-Member account.

How would you like to contribute?

How much would your like to donate per month?

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What is your contact information?

You can enter multiple names using "and" (i.e. John and Jane Smith).

Please select your salutation from the drop down list:
First and Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
We do not sell or share any of your information.

What does KBACH mean to you?

You will be taken to a second secure site to enter your payment account information.
Your donation will be processed today by Friends of Public Radio Arizona (FPRAZ).
FPRAZ is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the financial success of public radio.
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Member Services: M-F
(480) 774-8400
24-hour donation line:

You can mail your donations and make checks payable to:
Friends of Public Radio Arizona (FPRAZ) KBACH
P.O. Box 62228
Phoenix, AZ 85082-2228

Friends of Public Radio Arizona (FPRAZ) has been awarded the following:
Charity Navigator logo
Great Non-Profits logo
Guidestar 2020 Platinum Seal